Police and Security Journal

The Police and Security journal covers fields of crime investigation, public security, criminology, criminal law and other disciplines. It is published quarterly - four issues per year, continuously since 1953. The journal was published from 1953 to 1991 under the title Manual for professional education of employees of internal affairs bodies.

The journal is a unique edition of the Ministry of the Interior, in which many topics related to the work of the Ministry and the police are published throughout its long history, with the primary goal of providing practical and professional help to police officers in solving tasks and problems, but many topics intended for the general public and scientific community have been covered too.
The journal is included in the bibliographic database Ulrich's Periodicals Directory and the Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek/Electronic Journals Library, and in 2017 it was indexed in the Web of Science Core Collection, in the citation index Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), which also shows its undeniable quality and usefulness. On the Central Scientific Portal of the University Computing Center, published papers have been viewed over 1,7 million times. Few papers have been downloaded over 20.000 times.
The journal brings current papers from relevant disciplines in Croatian and English, with summaries in English.
All articles have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) ​​number which will increase the citation of articles.
The annual domestic subscription to the journal Police and Security is EUR 16.00 for individuals, and EUR 32.00 for legal entities.
Payment to the IBAN of the State Budget: HR1210010051863000160
Model number: HR63 with reference to recipient number: 7005-713-22365

The payment confirmation must be sent to: policija.i.sigurnost@mup.hr